Friday, November 04, 2005

The Carport-November 4, 2005

PUTTING UP STEVE'S CARPORT (in his backyard)
I had Friday off for Eid and Steve took a vcation day. We bummed around enjoying not being at work and decided to put together Steve's carport in his backyard. He purchased the carport as a tent to act as additional space once winter arrives. What a great idea. The 2 of us fit the pieces together like a puzzle (without looking at the directions, of course) and managed to raise the carport! I will admit it was a little difficult for me considering I'm under 6' and the tent is 7' high. But, I had the picnic table to give me the extra inches I need.

The individual pieces: Big poles, little poles, funky-looking connector pieces,
and rubber-band balls. The weight of the box was over 100lbs.

The poles.

Steve seeing where the pieces fit.


(don't worry he's not looking at the directions just at the picture)

Here's the top part of the frame. We're nearly finished.

A smile on Steve's face as the frame is up. Now it's time to put the cover on.

Another view of the frame. The tent is HUGE! And we didn't even use all the parts. We realized that the tree (in the back right-hand side of the yard) was getting in the way. Therefore we decided not to use the last set of poles and make the length of the tent only 3/4 long, which is perfect. The tent covers the majority of the backyard while allowing sunlight to shine in Drew's window!

The cover being pulled over the poles.

Voila! The Carport.
(The next day Steve put twinkle lights up on the inside)
See the smoker and the BBQ! Oh yeah baby!

For my birthday, Steve made a delicious leg of lamb per my request!
We ate under the carport. How romantic!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell Steve I would love to come to dinner under the tent next time I am in NY.-Annie