Saturday, August 09, 2008

Peace Corps Benin: The Next Generation

The new volunteers of PSL 21arrived early in July, marking our (PSL 20) official debut as "seasoned volunteers." Without dwelling too much on the arrivals themselves (you'll hear much more over the coming year about some of them, while others will surely be dropping out of the program and thus our hearts), it is worth noting the impact their arrival has had on us. And no better way to do that than quote Rachel Miller, the soon to be departing (PSL 19) volunteer from nearby Guinigourou.

"It's like Super Mario Bros. - they walk off the plane and you become like Mario eating a mushroom. boopbooPboOPbOOPBOOP. Grown up in an instant."

Exactly. However, we must sadly report that we have no pictures of their arrival, so instead we're posting two pictures of highly amusing PSL21 volunteers Kyle and Dennis looking bewildered.

1 comment:

Marie said...

I like how they look so shocked and confused.