Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Tichy-Schwartz Women visit--August 13-16, 2006

As Annie put it, "all the hens" came to NYC for a visit.

Sunday night, Barb and Jennifer worked their way into the Big City just in time for a home cooked BBQ meal. Poor Jennifer had a "planes, trains and automobiles" experience that day--flying to Syracuse from Minneaopolis, driving to Monsey and training to NYC. After a long day of traveling, a delicious meal was in need. On the menu: chicken, potatoes and salad. And for dessert, Tasti D-Lite!

Monday morning, Annie and Jadyn flew in from Spokane. I had to work part of the day, so Steve took the ladies on a sightseeing tour of the lower half of Manhattan: Battery Park, Financial District and up to the West Village. Then, it was time to meet me after work. We decided to grab a snack at Serendipities--Frozen hot chocolates, Frozen pink ice and some appetizers kept us full until dinner time...

As per (the male) tradition at 306, Monday nights is spent at Brother Jimmy's. We took the ladies up the hill to the restaurant/bar. Erin and Drew joined as well. It was an absolute blast...the pictures speak for themselves.

The Boy's favorite waitress/aspiring actress brings us THE FISHBOWL...and the fun begins....

Close up of Annie. Close up of Barb. The whole gang. We used the 2 straw approach.

Tuesday, after a not-so-good-night's rest (side note: 7 people slept in our apartment that night), we all got up and prepared for the long day of (...drum roll please...) wedding dress shopping! We had 3 stores on the agenda with some shopping stops along the way. 11am: Amsale. Dress number 1. 11:30: 5th Avenue. 12pm: Rockefeller Plaza-coffee break. 1pm: Shopping/browsing. 2pm: Kleinfeld: Countless numbers of dresses. This was definitely a NYC experience. Highlight (though I missed it since I was dressing): A girl falling over in her dress. I saw the dress and did not need any explanation as to how she was my worst nightmare of a dress--strapless, see-through and puffy. Oy. (Back to the day) 3pm: Shake Shack in Madison Square Park. Food was much needed at this point. Greasy burgers and fries were on the menu. 4:15pm: Wedding Atelier-last stop. A few dresses here, but with a full stomach, I was not in the mood. 5:30pm: Cab ride home...Jennifer says she's getting car sick and is going to puke in "Life Aquatic"--that was my highlight of the day. 6pm: We're on our way out to Monsey to see Ruth, Ron and the girls as well as take Barb and Jennifer back to their car. We rode out to Monsey in style--in an ELEMENT! Poor Jads had to ride in the trunk. After a brief meet & greet and catch up, it was time for Barb and Jennifer to hit the road, as well as for us to get our "zip car" back to the garage. (we got back with 2 minutes to spare. It was a close call). 9pm: Annie, Jadyn, Steve and I are FAMISHED at this point and decide to eat at the local Moroccan restaurant. 3 hours later, we finished our meal and walked home.

Wednesday. There wasn't much planned for today other than buying "the wedding dress". By noon, that was taken care of and we all were starving (surprise, surprise). Jadyn's one request for the trip was to go to Dinosaur BBQ. Since we had nothing better to do, we walked to the West side, caught the subway uptown and found ourselves at 131st Street. Dinosaur BBQ here we come. We had hungry bellies and the smell of hickory tempted us as we waited (all of 10 minutes) for our food. We DEVOURED our food. I was proud of Jadyn for nearly completing a Tres Hombres (that's 3 meats--brisket, ribs, chicken thigh/leg).

Annie, Steve, Jaren and Jadyn. Jadyn's feast--Dig in!

Impressive eating Jadyn.

In our comatose state, we cabbed back to our humble abode, packed up the Annie and Jadyn and said our goodbyes.

It was a wonderful weekend! Thank you everyone for coming!

Here's to the Moms! ...and the sisters too!

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