Tuesday, August 07, 2007

News from Benin

As you can see we have been MIA for the last few weeks. That is because there are no internet connections in the region we are currently in, Adjah. Foruntately, I am in a neighboring town for a training and found the one internet cafe that is working.

We are alive and well. Steve is in Azove training and I am in Dogbo, which is about 20 km from Steve.

Highlights thus far, picutres and details to come but in many weeks...due to lack of internet capability:

Meme tissue
learning to make pate
learning Nagot
Marche days
Beninoise beers...and Awooyo, the Togolese beer

That is all for now.
More to come....

1 comment:

Jon said...

I am willing to wait as long as necessary for further information on "Meme tissue," let me just say