Saturday, August 16, 2008

Camp Afrique: Southern Comfort

Our first visitors, Ann and Greg Tichy. This was a big one as their arrival marked just about our half way point in Benin, and for months had been something we spoke about almost in abstract as something that was going to happen in a then-intangible future time. But then the day came and they were here, and merriment was had.

Arriving with bear hugs and thousands of stories from the past year (and of course "Camp Tichy" shirts), we spent the first leg of our trip in and around Cotonou, giving everyone a chance to get settled and allowing us to take hot showers (So Nice!) at Benin's Hotel Marina. Quite honestly, for the first bit of time the priority was spending time together, so if it seems like we didn't do much it is because catching up was happening.

Day one was the tour of Cotonou and dinner in town. Seeing - and smelling - the urban expanse was certainly an experience, but one that allowed for some introspection on the difference between the developed and developing world.

Day two was our trip to Ganvie, the stilt village. Built in the center of a lake by a tribe fleeing enslavement, it is now a popular destination for those looking for a unique twist on traditional village life. Touring gondola-style, we took in the sights, sounds and smells, and as luck would have it there was a funeral celebration that day which meant all sorts of over the top partying was happing on the lake.

Traditional stilt hut
Business installation
We three in the boat. Only time Greg's knuckles left the seat all say.
Taking a break from sitting in the boat

After getting back to the hotel for some more R and R, we prepared ourselves for the next day's journey out to the seaside village of Grand Popo -- with a little surprise in store. But, before the surprise, we took a day trip to visit Ouidah, the former slave port and birthplace of voodoo.

Here we are under the "door of no return"

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