Friday, September 09, 2005

Red Sox-Yankees Game-September 9, 2005

September 9, 2005

Yankee Stadium

It was a great night! It was my first baseball game of the season.

Steve, Chris, Claudia and myself hopped into a cab (drank a beer on the way) and ended up at Yankee Stadium for game 1 of the weekend rivalry series.

Yankee Stadium isn't as intimate as Fenway, but it still was a descent place to watch a ball game. Thanks Claudia for"hosting a tasting with one of Steve's clients!"
As we climbed up to the top (via escalators) we found our seats. The security guard who showed us where we were seating, told me "there's about 1 sox fan for every 1,000 yankees fan. You chose the wrong spot to be sitting..." GREAT. He was right, though. Not the best place to be sitting if a wearing a red sox shirt and hat....I knew why around the 6th inning (read below)

Our view from the top.

Claudia representin' her Yankees.

Chris playing the "indifferent" card. He's a Mets fan.
Deep down, I know he's a sox fan. Aren't you, Chris..don't lie?

And, here's the two idiots sitting among thousands of Yankee's fans.
Steve and Jaren.
The game started out well. It was a pitching match between Wells and Smith. By the 2nd inning we were looking good. 3-2 in our favor...
During the break of the 5th, the clean up crew came out and danced to YMCA while sweeping the infield. Very interesting. It's tradition, I guess.

Then, came the 6th inning. That was bad. 4 runs scored by the Yankees put them in the lead 8-3. YIKES. And to make it worse, I got up to go to the bathroom and as I was walking back to my seat, I go booed and heckled at (that's a given being in enemy territory) as well as beer poured on me and food thrown at me! I was wearing my Papi red t-shirt (compliments of Charles) and I kept getting told "hey Papi find a seat"..."hey move it Papi"..."F--k Papi"...(you get the point).
In the 6th the Yankees brought out Embree (the recently traded pitcher from the Red Sox). Then came the 7th and we scored again. The score was now 8-4.

Here we are, the 2 Sox Fans, trying to keep a strong upper lip with 1 inning left....

We went down and sat closer to home plate to watch the end of the game.
Unfortunately, the game ended in the Yankees favor, 8-4. Claudia, it looks like Steve will be cooking up a feast for you soon.

As we exited the stadium, we caught a glimpse of Joey McIntyre from New Kids on the Block.
"..oh, oh, oooh, oh, oh, oooh....the right stuff..."

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