Sunday, November 13, 2005

Vegas Vaction-November 10-13, 2005

The Tichys take Vegas!
November 10-13, 2005

(And Yes, this is another Tichy shirt)

After arriving late Thursday night we all made out way to the Venetian Hotel on "the strip"!

We checked into our rooms and played "catch up" with everyone. All nine of us: Ann, Greg, Jobe , Renee, Jessamyn, Jason, Jaren, Steve and Jadyn were in for a fun-filled weekend!

Here Jason is Jason, Jessamyn and Jadyn.

And Steve and Jaren.
Thursday night, Ann, Greg, Jadyn, Jaren and Steve went out for a quick bite to eat at one of the many restaurants in the hotel. Jessamyn and Jason crashed early because they were waking up at dawn to see the Grand Canyon the next day and Jobe and Renee were exhausted and went to bed early.

After not much sleep (Steve and I woke up around 7:30am) it was time to start the day!

We took Steve on a tour of the Hotel. Here's the casino floor. This is were we spent most of our time gambling... winning, loosing, winning, loosing...the never-ending gambling cycle.
Boring Roulette anyone?

And this is the famous canal. It was designed to look identical to the real canals of Venice. Along it are shops and restaurants. And you can even take a gondola ride with this guy singing his heart out to you...any takers?

Here Steve and I are standing under some of the ornate paitings on the this a Michelangelo originial? Or is this Titian, Vernezze, Botticelli? Unfortunately not. But it still was looked beautiful.

After a tour of the hotel it was time to get serious. Time to gamble.

While Jadyn was learning the game "boring roulette" taught by Steve, we played the slots!

Mom winning big. She won $49.50 off $5 (I think)

Mom and I. This was my lucky slot, or at least on this day it was. I was $81.50!!! Woo hoo! And it turns out Dad won $50 on this machine on Sunday after I left.

And Dad! He too won big on this go! $31.50! Way to go old man!

Break time before heading to "Old Town"

Let's just say Old Town isn't as classy as "the Strip". The buffets, games and drinks are all cheaper in old town. Old Town is Jobe's favorite spot in Vegas he can get a $4.99 steak!

The cowboy.

The cowgirl!

After old town as nap was needed. A quick kip we were good to go.

Family pizza party in the Tichy suite before heading out for the evening!

The stip at night!

We walked through the Mirage, Ceasar's Palace and the Bellagio. There we watched the fountain show! If you've seen Ocean 11, you'll know what this is...

Jobe and Renee

Steve and Jaren.

(Prom pose)

Saturday we all slept in after a late night out! Then is was time to eat! Great treated us all to a delicious lunch at Emeril Lagasse's steakhouse, Delmonico! Talk about yum yum in the tum tum! The appetizer: beer cheese beef soup! The entre: charboiled serloin steak with a twice baked potato! Other menu items: brie and grape salad, french onion soup, chipoltle chicken sandwich, and various other steaks!

Post lunch it was time to walk it off or sit it off. Renee, Mom, Jadyn and I went shopping on Las Vegas BLVD at Ceasar's Palace.... (Special thanks to Erin and the Kate Spade coupons) ...while the men watched football. It was a great day for the UW Huskies! We WON! Now we're 2-8...until next week in the Apple Cup. Plus THE Ohio State beat Northwestern.

The Tichy kids before heading out for the night.

Oldest to youngest: Jobe, Jessamyn, Jaren and Jadyn!

Jobe and Renee bought Mom and Dad tickets to a comedy show hosted by the Soprano's (Hey Yo Tony) so us kids could have some time together. We went to Carnegie's Deli in the Mirage. Check out the size of these sandwiches. They were unbelievable.

Here Jobe and Renee shared (but could not finish) "The Woody Allen" ruben sandwich.

Take a closer look

And the B.L.T. This is was HUGE!

Jessamyn and Jason attempting to eat the B.L.T. Good luck.

...more gambling.

Sunday came hard and fast. Staying up until the wee hours of the night and waking up only several hours later caught up to us all.

Espeically Jadyn. Poor Baby!

And Jason and Jessamyn

But not Steve and I. We entertained the troops by giving them a little cheer:
"tick, tick, tick, tick, BOOM daynamite"

And Steve...
"I'm in a glass case of emotion"

Side note: The bathrooms were bigger than my apartment that had an amazing shower with a little extra shower spraying right at you

We spent our last few hours going to other hotels/casinos. At the Wynn Hotel we had drinks on the water that overlooked this waterfall. It was perfect.

Jadyn also had the BEST LUCK out of us all. At the Wynn she won $98 off $5 in a slot machine. As you can tell she's extremely happy because now she's out of the red.

But, her luck didn't end there. We went to "TI" or Treasure Island and played boring roulette. There she won another $80 by putting her money between the 4 & 8. Steve too was lucky thanks to Big Papi--where Champions come from--and won big. But again Jadyn's luck didn't stop there. While Steve and I were on our way to the airport, she put a $1 in a slot machine and won $113. Later that day I got a message saying she won another $30 and Dad won $50.

....Vegas will never be the same


Jon said...

I need to point out that you are basically excellent at documenting the things you do in your life that are enjoyable, and that in and of itself is also enjoyable!

Anonymous said...

Actually Jaren I won $82.00 on my last dollar slot. Jadyn

erin said...

Between the BLT which looks like it has an ENTIRE head o' lettuce sandwiched in there and bathrooms bigger than our entire apartment...sounds like a weekend for the record books.

Congrats to the Tichy family for taking Vegas for all it was worth! :)