Thursday, July 19, 2007

Philadelphia-Schwartz Family Visit & PC Training--July 13-19, 2007

We arrived in Philadelphia excited to see the Schwartz family Friday evening. We traveled all day (along with Annie on the first leg of our journey to Chicago) and finally landing in Philly. We made it to the hotel just in time for a quick nap while the Schwartz's were stuck in traffic. Surprised?

We all said our hellos quickly because hungry tummies needed to be fed. We were off for a fine Chinese meal at Wok. While at dinner, we called Aaron. Sometime during in the conversation, we mentioned to Aaron to fly to Philly for the weekend. Two minutes later, we got a call back from Aaron saying he'll be at our hotel at 11am tomorrow.

Saturday, we had breakfast in the hotel while waiting for Aaron. Before we knew it, there he was standing aimlessly in the hotel lobby. We quickly pointed him in the right direction to the rest of the Schwartz family and finally we unloaded his stuff.

Then, it was off to the Historical District of Philadelphia

LEFT: Independence hall. CENTER: Liberty Bell. RIGHT: The First Supreme Court office

After a quick tour of American history, it was lunch time. How about Philly cheesesteaks? What better place in the US to have a cheesesteak than the maker of the monstrosity, PATS. So it was off to South Philly for the original! It was well worth the 30 minute wait that's for sure (even for Steve).

After a snooze back at the hotel and a tummy rest, we walked to the Philadelphia Art Museum to re-enact the Rocky film..."Playing Rocky's theme music here" ..we climbed the stairs to the top. "Yo, Rocky".

LEFT: View from the top. CENTER: The Rocky Statue at the base of the museum. RIGHT: Steve and Jennifer at the top.

Sunday, we went to the Philly zoo where we saw an array of animals, some of which will be found in our new home, Africa.

LEFT: Rhino. CENTER: Zebra. RIGHT: Penguins (just for you Jads).

There was turtle procreation going on at the zoo...

Oh, the circle of life!

After our teary goodbyes with Bob, Barb and Jennifer, we took a nap before heading out to dinner. The three of us went to a sports bar in search of chicken wings and beers for one last time before leaving the country. (Hint: send Frank's Hot Sauce)

Monday, we slept in and roamed around the streets running last minute errands before stumbling on a great lunch meal: $6 for a lager and cheesesteak. How could we refuse.

Then is was time for another goodbye. So long Aaron! A la prochain!

Tuesday, we packed up our stuff all morning before heading to training. We registered (of course after a long line and extra forms to fill out) before starting our "staging" or orientation. Throughout the course of our first meeting, we played some ice breakers, learned valuable information and participated in group activities.

Wednesday was a continuation of Tuesday except we went to a local Federal clinic to get immunized. Ouch!

Thursday was our wrap up before boarding our plane to Paris and after a 6 hour layover, it's off to Cotonou, Benin!

Next time you hear from us, we'll be in Benin.

So long and farewell! A toute a l'heure!


Anonymous said...

Good luck to you both! Cannot wait to read about Benin and all your adventures :)

Anonymous said...

Good luck, you crazy kids. Stay safe...