Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Return

You're long internet nightmare is over -- we're back.

We're sorry, we really are. It's not personal and we assure you we still love you as much today as we always have . But we know it's been a long time since we've posted and for that we're sorry.

The hiatus (as we will call it) was the product of more than a few monumental moves in our lives. We bid a teary goodbye to Switzerland, leaving behind a city we loved and new friends to embark on new adventures.

Oh yeah, we got married too. In Colorado. On a mountain. Dancing ensued.

To catch up on our lives, here are the links to the following new posts:

1 comment:

Marie said...

Hey there you two! Loved the new posts! Glad to hear you guys had a blast before you left to Benin. I wish you all the best. Keep blogging!!!