Yes, it snowed today in New York City. Around 10am this morning the sky turned black. Storm clouds rolled in. I looked out the window and it began to mist. Moments later it was raining. Minutes after that it was SNOWING. Yes, SNOWING in spring.
However, the snow did not last long nor did it stick. They were HUGE flakes as you can see.
The storm clouds moved out and by 3pm the sun was shining once again.
Whether given away in anger or shame, number of Jonny Damon Red Sox shirts we've seen in West Africa:
Sending Us Mail
Say you want to send more than an email. So you ask yourself "Self, how do I send Jaren and Steve something?"
SCHWARTZ, Stephen and/or TICHY, Jaren*
Corps de la Paix/ Peace Corps B.P. 46 Tchaourou, Benin Benin L'Afrique d'Ouest/ West Africa
Make sure your postal agent knows Benin is a country IN West Africa and that the envelope is being sent to BENIN. One would think this goes without saying, but some of our mail has been going to Thailand and Afghanastan.
It is recommended that you send padded envelopes in lieu of boxes -- they the customs fees are lower and they seem to make it more often. Don't forget to write "Par Avion" as well.
*In all official Peace Corps records, Jaren remains a TICHY. Letters to Jaren Schwartz will likely not be delivered.
Weather is schizo. There was a tornado watch here on Monday, but no tornado swept through. Only vicious wind and rain.
Same fat flakes here. Summer jacket to winter coat in 12 hours is just pure insanity, no?
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