Monday, October 17, 2005

Locks of Love-October 15, 2005

I was growing out my hair (for the longest time) to donate to Locks of Love, a non-profit organization that creates hairpieces for underprivileged children who suffer from long-term medical hair loss.

To donate you have to have a minimum of 10". I had just enough in length.
I walked into a random salon and chopped it all!

Here's the before:
Me and all my 10" of beautiful curls (thanks Dad)

In the process of chopping:

YIKES! It's so short in the back....

...VOILA! My new hair cut minus 10 + inches of curls.

Hopefully my curls will make some child a good-lookin' wig.

Click here if you have 10" of hair you would like to donate to Locks of Love!!!

1 comment:

V said...

I shall circulate a petition among friends (and strangers if it turns out i'm low on friends) for you to keep the hair short. Especially in the back.

If John says it's sexy, it must be so.

I vote for sassy.