Friday, December 23, 2005

Luau-December 23, 2005

"Oh we're going to a Hukie Lau, a hukie, hukie, hukie, huki lau..."

Friday night was our BIG night out. Jessamyn, Jason, Jadyn, Jaren and Steve went to the Maui Marriot's Luau! (Like the couples matching outfits? Thanks Hilo Haties!)

We were a little bored waiting in line, so we took some random pictures. The five of us close up. Steve and I in "prom pose". The five of our feet ( all wearing flipflops of course)

Here's the group at our table. Jadyn strategically picked the location. Not upfront, but close to the front and closer the the bar. Mind you drinks are free at luaus (as is the poi).
Steve's blue hawaiians. He was quadruple-fisting. And as a result, he was being funny...

And to soak up all the alcohol in the blue hawaiians, pina colodas, lava flows and beers PIG was needed. But before the pig was cut up, we could see it in the ground heating up and then 2 men brought it on stage for all to see. Here's the front and the back of the Pig. Doesn't it look delicious?

And the HULA SHOW! After a hardy meal ( I ate a whole plate of JUST PIG) it was time to rest our bellies and enjoy the show! " we throw our nets out into the sea and all the 'ama 'ama will come swimming to me..."

Fire dances during the Lula.

Near the end of the Luau, the "lounge singer-type host" asked for some volunteers to show off their hula skills. Here is Steve. Shake it Steve, shake it.

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