Thursday, December 22, 2005

Molikini Snorkling Adventure-December 22, 2005

A rough and early morning.
We woke up at 5am after a long night of the boys drinking "Snowballs"...(more about snowballs later). I wasn't sure if they would be able to make it through the 1 1/2 hour boat ride, but fortunately they did.

As you can see, it's early and Steve and Jason are barely hanging in there.

Molikini is the snorkling destination for the day. We were suppose to go to "Turtle Town" as well, but the day before a shark attack occured and the snorkling location was closed.

Molikini from a distance as the sun is rising in the East. A second look at Molikini crater. The backside of Molikini

After the long journey to the crater, we jumped right in and started snorkling.

Here's Jessamyn looking like a goof.

And here we have some fish.

We saw all sorts of fish. Black fish, blue fish, red fish.

More fish and coral

...and of course we took pictures of ourselves underwater.
Steve and Jaren.

Jessamyn. Jason. Jaren.

The Tichy women: Jaren, Jadyn, Jessamyn

Getting ready on the boat. Jessamyn trying to find her way. A bright yellow fish (my personal favorite)

The morning was going swell. Steve and I were snorkling close to the reef, when all of a sudden I see him underwater swimming towards the boat. I lift my head and yell, "where are you going". His response, "I'm going to be sick"...I put my head back under and swim as fast as I can to him when all of a sudden (...REMEMBER this is after a night of consuming MULTIPLE snowballs...) he got sick and all I saw was chucks blowing out of his mouth and the little black fishies swimming to eat some "food".

He made it back to the boat, had a burger and he was ready to go back. This time, however, he stayed close to the boat and used some floaties.

Since our second snorkle destination was cancelled we were able to whale watch. We saw a few whales and dolphins.

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